Viser opslag med etiketten Quotes. Vis alle opslag
Viser opslag med etiketten Quotes. Vis alle opslag

14. jan. 2015

Wittgenstein quote

"Like everything metaphysical the harmony between thought and reality is to be found in the grammar of the language."
 - Ludwig Wittgenstein

3. jan. 2015

The way to a mans heart...

"Ladies, if you want to know the way to my heart... good spelling and good grammar, good punctuation, capitalize only where you are supposed to capitalize, it's done."
- John Mayer

21. dec. 2014

Cats and grammar

"Ignorant people think it is the noise which fighting cats make that is so aggravating, but it ain't so; it is the sickening grammar that they use."
- Mark Twain